Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Southeast Michigan Civil War Buffs - Help Wanted!

Over the years, I’ve become aware of the vast importance southeast Michigan played in the Civil War and have discovered many interesting artifacts, documents, photographs etc. housed at local museums. I've also learned about interesting people who fought and those who died fighting to preserve the Union. My goal is to tie all this history together in an organized and interesting manner - a history book / local tour guide entitled “Southeast Michigan and The Civil War – It happened here!”

The book is aimed at Civil War buffs, teachers, students and locals who want to know more about their regional history. It will be dedicated in remembrance of one of my favorite heroes, Colonel Thornton Fleming Brodhead, second editor of the Detroit Free Press and former Detroit Postmaster. Colonel Brodhead led the First Michigan Cavalry at the Second Battle of Bull Run. Mortally wounded, he penned a final letter to his wife. The letter concluded with:

"Two bullets have gone through my Chest, and directly through the lung. I suffer little now, but at first the pain was acute. I have won the Soldier's fate. I hope that from heaven I may see the glorious old Flag waive again over the individual Union I have loved so well. Farewell wife and Babes and Friends. We shall meet again. Your loving Thornton."

I've read this letter a dozen or so times. Yet it still brings tears to my eyes every time I read it.

While I've accumulated lots of interesting material, I'm sure I'm still missing many interesting facts and stories. So all you local Civil War experts, would like to contribute your knowledge to this project? I’m seeking information on interesting artifacts, photos, documents, special collections on display at local museums, period newspaper clipping files, significant contributions made to the war effort by local civilians, enlisted personnel, and businesses, important cemeteries, monuments, recruiting sites, historical buildings used for the war effort, etc. Communities of interest span from Detroit to the Ohio border and west to Ann Arbor.

I can be contacted via email at: atrisko@yahoo.com.

Thanks for your assistance.

Happy History. Remember, History is all around you. Seek it out!

Karin Risko,
The Happy Historian

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